The Community Chest is full of money and is now open again – despite the challenges of COVID. The Chest provides grants of up to £500 to local organisations in the areas listed below for projects seen as of benefit to the local community.

The Chest was first set up by the Rotary Club of Currie Balerno but is now administered jointly by the Rotary Club and the Balerno Village Trust (BVT). It currently has an annual budget of £6000 funded equally by the Rotary Club, BVT and CALA Homes and applications can be made up to the end of May and November each year for consideration in June and December.
Since its introduction the Community Chest has made over 60 grants to organisations in Balerno, Currie, Juniper Green, Colinton, Kirknewton, Ratho and Wester Hailes and institutions and organisations in those areas are now invited to make applications with a closing date of end November.
Closing date for applications 30th November
Information about the Community Chest and how to apply can be found on the websites of the Rotary Club and the Balerno Village Trust at and