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Spring cleaning? Don't despair, donate - to local charities

Writer: EditorEditor

It is that time of year when everyone inexplicably starts to turn their minds to spring cleaning. Clearing out cupboards, drawers, bookshelves and toy boxes!

I generally find I’ve not got the time or energy to give our home a complete refresh. I admire pretty storage boxes and then wonder how on earth I’d fit everything in that needs a place to go! But I can always lay my hands on something my kids have grown out of or some toy they no longer play with. So that’s one area where I at least have hope I might achieve something.

Generally speaking it’s a false hope. My kids DO NOT like to part with anything. Usually it’s parents who can’t bear to part with the memories attached to childhood books and toys. Not me. I’d happily haul away at least a car boot full given half the chance. But if I dare even suggest it might be time to find a new home for anything my girls’ immediately disagree and then spend the next week playing with it in silent protest against my utter cheek.

I have had some success in the past suggesting some things could go to the attic if they are not ready to part with them. But this feels like such a waste and this year I am determined that some of the lovely things that have made my kids so happy can go to a good cause and make some other child smile.

Of course persuading the little darlings to part with things is only half the battle. What do you do with it after that? If I leave stuff sitting around the house for too long they’ll absolutely pilfer from the donation boxes until they are empty again. So here goes…

Kidzeco is a social enterprise based in West Lothian with a mission to provide families with high quality pre-loved children’s clothes, toys, and essential equipment at affordable prices. They have locations in Bathgate and Livingston and are always in need of quality items…and I know from experience they will help you lug in your heavy bags!

River Kids children’s charity supports disadvantaged children and their families in West Lothian and the wider community and they run the West Lothian Toy Appeal which is now an all-year-round event. They are heavily reliant on donations of all kinds of good quality second-hand items at their warehouse in Broxburn.

Spring is not the season of giving but that doesn’t mean you can’t spread a little joy!


Published in Konect March 2022

Author: Laura Archibald


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