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When choosing glasses is an indulgent personal styling experience

Writer: EditorEditor

When was the last time you chose new glasses, were thoroughly pampered and walked out feeling fabulous?

Robert Callander Eyewear in Linlithgow celebrate their 21st birthday this month. That’s 21 years of treating customers to an indulgent personal styling experience that is second to none in the eyewear world. I visited them to find out why customers come from all over Scotland to get their glasses fitted here.

“We have one speciality here, and that is eyewear,” explains Robert. “Our collections of artisan frames are passionately curated from around the world. We have our finger on the pulse of frame design and we go to great lengths to secure special collections.”

Robert travels to exhibitions all over the world, and the frames chosen are all made by craftsmen who specialise exclusively in making frames; they are not an add-on to other fashion product ranges. So many of the frames on offer are not available in the UK outside of London, apart from here at Robert Callander.

In addition to their passion for frames, the practice has been championing digital lens design for many years, and continues to invest in the latest technology. They were one of the first in Scotland to use a digital measurement machine, and the 4th generation of the equipment, an ImpressionIST4, is on order as we speak.

“Digital lens design allows a much greater individualisation of the lens. As an example, our ‘office lenses’ have been in very high demand over the past two years, since people have been using video calls much more. A common problem is lifting the chin to focus on the screen properly, and consequently giving the rest of the conference a view up your nose!” So Robert Callander Eyewear make lenses that will allow you to focus in precisely the right place when looking at your screen. And besides the high-tech lens, of course, you’ll be triggering glasses-envy with your unique and funky frames.

It doesn’t stop there. They produce high performance anti-glare lenses for night-time driving (which are not simply an anti-glare coating) and other special lenses for whatever your particular challenges are.

Choosing your glasses at Robert Callander Eyewear is a fun, indulgent and high-value experience, combining the latest technology for the very best lenses, with an individualised personal styling service. “In terms of service, we also take a cue from the hospitality sector; we’re known for our coffee here too.”

They will stand side by side with you to understand your needs and desires, and ensure you get the very best specs you have ever had – glasses that fit perfectly, express your style and that you’ll truly love to wear.

61 High Street, Linlithgow, EH49 7ED | Tel 01506 670766


Published in Konect April 2022

Author: Helen-Jane Gisbourne


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