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Weekend forecast…crafty with a chance of glitter!

Writer: EditorEditor

As a parent nothing is as satisfying as finding something new for your bag of tricks and for me this year that’s been discovering some new ‘go to’ places for activities.

Children's craft activities
"In lieu of actual holidays I’ve been more inclined to splash out on activities to keep my kids entertained"

With things as they are we’re still spending more time at home. And school holidays don’t necessarily mean trips away like they used to. So in lieu of actual holidays I’ve been more inclined to splash out on activities to keep my kids entertained and give them something to look forward to.

At this time of year indoor activities are a must and nothing gets them excited like the prospect of a bit of sticking and gluing…or any kind of messy activity. I love that they’re totally excited by a bit of crafting but there’s only so much of it I can get on board with at home. I’m happy to bust out a glue gun and head down to Hobbycraft when the mood strikes. But I draw the line at the likes of slime making!

For us this year has been the year of Gooey Events in Livingston Village. They’ve been around for a while but their workshops have really come into their own for my girls this year. They are 6 and 9 now so not at the same age and stage by any means but they’ve both been totally captivated by the workshops they’ve done.

During the summer holidays they dabbled in a bit of tie-dye and got carried away by chocolate making and slime on Mermaid Day. More recently they braved the Deadly Decopatch and crafts for Halloween. They come out of every workshop with massive smiles on their faces asking what they can do next. And after a couple of lockdown birthday celebrations I know this will be on the list of places for the party to end all parties that they seem to think I owe them.

Nearby is another new discovery – creative arts studio Wexpresif. My eldest went to a Glowtastic birthday party there last month and came out absolutely gushing about it. I’d never heard of it but it was such a hit that I went straight to their website to find out more.

They do various after-school classes, art clubs, seasonal activities and birthday parties. And by the looks of it this is one which will really come into it’s own as the kids get older if they maintain their interest in all things “arty” with courses for high school students studying art as well.

These places aren’t just for kids either. Wexpresif offer adult art courses and their Sip and Paint party package for over 18s definitely caught my eye. And I noticed that Gooey has plenty of adult workshops on the horizon as well with everything from crochet club to floral classes and gin tasting. I can get on board with this kind of mummy “me time”!

So if you’re looking for some inspiration for your art lovers and crafty kids I’d recommend seeing what these two have to offer.


Published in Konect November 2021

Author: Laura Archibald


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