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Explore! Our articles cover anything and everything to do with West Lothian, West Edinburgh and Falkirk.
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Captain John West - the salmon king
John West canned fish products are known world wide, but how many people know that the founder of the company was born in Linlithgow?
Apr 7, 20213 min read

Peter McLagan, MP Linlithgowshire: Scotland’s first non-white MP, and “suffragetist in trousers”
Peter McLagan MP, was an extraordinary local character, and the longest-serving MP (next to Tam Dalyell) that this area had in 300 years....
Oct 7, 20204 min read

How Dynamite came to Scotland
The Nobel Prizes are announced annually; world-famous coveted prizes for those who confer “the greatest benefit on mankind” in sciences,...
Feb 7, 20206 min read

What is a Tool Library? (or, a Thing Library?)
What do you think of when you hear “Tool Library”? I had assumed it was a place you could hire garden or DIY tools, until I visited the...
Oct 10, 20193 min read

eeek! Escape Room
“We’re puzzle geeks,” explains Ellie, co-owner of Linlithgow’s new escape room, eeek! Along with her husband Euan (and with a willing...
Jul 11, 20193 min read

"It's what you can do that counts" - West Lothian Riding for the Diabled
“It’s more accurate to describe what we do as providing therapeutic riding opportunities,” says Carol Lamb of West Lothian Riding for the...
Apr 16, 20193 min read

World-class chocolatier, local person: Sebastian Kobelt
“It’s a long story - longer than we have time for - for how I ended up in Scotland,” says Scotland’s Chocolatier of the year 2018. I’m...
Nov 8, 20182 min read

Nae running!
Over 50 and missing the hybrid scent of liniment and sweat? Then get yourself and your leather-studded boots down to Linlithgow Rugby...
Aug 6, 20182 min read

Around the Loch we go
With a couple of hours off work and the children needing to get out of the house, where can we go for a walk that the kids will enjoy, is...
Jun 22, 20183 min read

Footgolf: yes it is what it sounds like
“I’d never heard of footgolf until you called me about this article,” I say to Declan Reid when we meet in the Black Bull Inn in Mid...
Apr 2, 20182 min read

Diane Clayton Chrisholm
Passionate about the many benefits that cycling brings, Diane Clayton Chisholm is both a youth coach for the West Lothian Clarion Cycle...
Mar 3, 20172 min read

Magali Redding
Motivated by her daughter Gaelle, Linlithgow lady Magali Redding founded the charity Eczema Outreach Scotland (EOS) back in 2011. Here,...
Feb 6, 20172 min read

King Jamie's Silver Mines
When a local collier found some unusual stones at Hilderston, near Cairnpapple in the Bathgate Hills, he couldn’t have imagined the stir...
Feb 1, 20174 min read

A walk with features - Korean War Memorial
Getting out the office or house and doing something that is not computer-based is something we should all consider, so when I'm out in...
Apr 2, 20163 min read

The Bathgate Baker's Boy who Changed the World
The face of Bathgate bairn Dr James Young Simpson is painted on the “pioneering spirit” First buses. What is not painted there is a...
Feb 8, 20167 min read
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