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Explore! Our articles cover anything and everything to do with West Lothian, West Edinburgh and Falkirk.
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La Piuma: Food, Family, Friends
“We got lost one day in the car, and ended up in Bathgate by mistake. It was Procession Day, a few years ago. All the flags were out and...
May 3, 20192 min read

"It's what you can do that counts" - West Lothian Riding for the Diabled
“It’s more accurate to describe what we do as providing therapeutic riding opportunities,” says Carol Lamb of West Lothian Riding for the...
Apr 16, 20193 min read

Back to the Future West Lothian
There’s been much debate in the media recently about the voice and representation of disabled people, sparked by the release of the movie...
Mar 6, 20192 min read

Neil's Hugs
“I will speak for someone who can’t speak out,” says Donna Paterson-Harvie. And she is speaking as a mother who has lost her son to...
Feb 10, 20195 min read

Livingston Mill
The noise of mill machinery grinding grain, of water from the River Almond swooshing over a huge waterwheel and of the periodic...
Jan 3, 20193 min read

Dignity Boxes
“I’d like people to be able to have essential toiletries and personal hygiene products without having to ask, and without needing to...
Dec 5, 20183 min read

JamQueen: Pole Fitness
Various forms of dance have made their way into the fitness studio in recent years as we’re always looking for fun and different ways of...
Nov 26, 20182 min read

World-class chocolatier, local person: Sebastian Kobelt
“It’s a long story - longer than we have time for - for how I ended up in Scotland,” says Scotland’s Chocolatier of the year 2018. I’m...
Nov 8, 20182 min read

Calders Soldiers
In 1914 the majority of the Hearts first team, then sitting at the top of the league and favourites to win the Scottish Cup, received a...
Oct 22, 20184 min read

Carers of West Lothian
Life has a way of taking unexpected turns, and you can find yourself doing something you never planned on doing. This can be something...
Oct 20, 20183 min read

The Ratho Poet
A time of political movement; big questions and strong feelings over Scotland and England's relationship; plus ça change. But a character...
Oct 20, 20185 min read

Team Jak Foundation : can you help with “easing the journey”?
If you’ve been living here more than a couple of years, you’ve probably heard of the local charity Team Jak Foundation or seen their...
Oct 9, 20183 min read

Cycling for all: The West Lothian Bike Library
It is pretty much what it sounds like : a place where you can borrow a bike if you haven’t got one, or need a specially adapted bike. And...
Oct 9, 20182 min read

Gibson-Craig, Riccarton and Abolition: “old letter found in a box”
In 2015 the UK government finally finished paying off the massive borrowing it undertook in 1833 in order to compensate slave-owners when...
Jul 1, 20185 min read

The School Bank West Lothian
“The idea of a school uniform bank came about after a teacher in Glasgow noticed that some children were writing ‘school uniform’ on...
Jun 1, 20183 min read

"I chose Colinton over the internet while living in San Francisco" Lorraine O'Shea
“I picked our home in Colinton over the internet from where I was living in San Francisco in 2000,” says Lorraine O’Shea. “My...
May 1, 20183 min read

Footgolf: yes it is what it sounds like
“I’d never heard of footgolf until you called me about this article,” I say to Declan Reid when we meet in the Black Bull Inn in Mid...
Apr 2, 20182 min read

Marvellous Merchiston
If your home was garrisoned by soldiers and under threat of bombardment, you might pick somewhere else to get married. But 22 year old...
Feb 5, 20185 min read

Home-Start West Lothian
Bringing up young children is a tough job. And if over and above the usual hard work of parenting, life is complicated by isolation,...
Feb 2, 20183 min read

Dougal Haston: From Currie to Everest
Up, always up. Currie lad Dougal Haston went from rambling around the Pentland Hills to being one of the first British climbers to...
Feb 1, 20183 min read
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