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Explore! Our articles cover anything and everything to do with West Lothian, West Edinburgh and Falkirk.
A selection of what goes into print is published here.
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Support a good cause by eating cake!
When you order delicious cakes & savouries from The Larder’s Bakery, the money you spend helps families locally experiencing food poverty
Mar 9, 20222 min read

Careful Blending
"A Taste of the Festive Season"
Dec 20, 20211 min read

Six hour shortcake
Are there ever occasions where we should just accept that good food will be wasted and throw it in the bin?
Nov 19, 20213 min read

Avoiding traditional rules
I avoid the ‘rules’ of traditional wine pairing and don’t automatically pair a white wine with white meat and red wine with red meat
Nov 16, 20211 min read

The truth about ice cream
It all started … when I was born. The focus on food, that is. My parents were both excellent cooks, who put their talents to work.
Oct 19, 20212 min read

Balerno's Waffle Queen
"Sharon spotted I’d got a new puppy, deduced that I was looking for a lifestyle change, and approached me about working for them!”
Jun 8, 20212 min read

Artisan baking at its best: Bakery Andante
For those who care about more than just the aroma of freshly baked bread - those in the know in Edinburgh - get theirs from Bakery Andante
Feb 11, 20212 min read

The hills are alive
I’m often asked what my favourite wine is. My answer changes depending on the season. In the depths of winter a French Cotes du Rhone is...
Feb 9, 20211 min read

The Season for Sensational Sherry
The Wine Recommendation column What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Sherry’? Is it the dusty bottle at the back of the kitchen...
Dec 15, 20201 min read

African soul, crafted in Scotland: Gold medal-winning rum from Matugga Distillers
You might think the ingredients for gold medal-winning rum is all in the molasses and copper pot stills. But you’d be only partially correct
Apr 10, 20204 min read

Local food – fresh, free, no packaging.
We’ve forgotten how to feed ourselves. To a large extent, for this most basic of human needs, we’re totally dependent on supermarkets and...
Oct 10, 20191 min read

Coffee Direct, West Lothian's premium coffee roastery
The smell of good coffee; a roasting machine; bags of different coffee beans and lots of coffee paraphernalia greets you as you walk into...
Oct 6, 20193 min read

La Piuma: Food, Family, Friends
“We got lost one day in the car, and ended up in Bathgate by mistake. It was Procession Day, a few years ago. All the flags were out and...
May 3, 20192 min read

Ali Carlyle: Committed to quality
Ali Carlyle is head chef at Carlyle’s Bar and Kitchen in Balerno. He got his start in catering at age 15, and since then has taken...
Nov 8, 20183 min read

World-class chocolatier, local person: Sebastian Kobelt
“It’s a long story - longer than we have time for - for how I ended up in Scotland,” says Scotland’s Chocolatier of the year 2018. I’m...
Nov 8, 20182 min read
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